Spectrum in Pellston Update

Spectrum in Pellston Update

Cable was laid in 2022/23. Households can now sign up for Spectrum internet, phone, and TV, or any of the three. See the link below for availability.

Link to Munro Township Pellston addresses


Connecting Michigan Communities (CMIC) Grant Program

Charter Communications has advised the Munro Township Board that the CMIC 2.0 Broadband Grant applied for in our community has been awarded. Specifically, Pellston area addresses on Douglas Lake Road, Bryant Road, and those neighborhoods directly around those roads are included in the Pellston area address list. (Link below)
The project will cost in excess of $690,000-, Charter will receive $338,000- in grant money and they (Charter Communications) will fund the balance of $352,000.
A letter from Lt. Governor Gilcrist announcing the award and the specific list of homes that they will be building to is also on the Township site.  (Also see links below.) Engineering and mapping are expected to start Fall of 2021, with construction beginning in the Spring of 2022.

Link to the letter announcing the award

Link to Michigan.gov – CMIC grant program

Link to Munro Township Pellston addresses

Posted on October 26th, 2021 in Programs.